Some basic operations of the sealing machine


It is a trend for modern enterprises to use automatic packing machine to replace manual packing. Familiar with the use of sealing machine enterprises know that the use of sealing machine can not only make the packaging of the box more uniform and beautiful, and on a certain level also greatly reduce the cost of manpower, in the efficiency is a great improvement, for the progress of the enterprise benefit.

However, in the sealing machine equipment to bring convenience to us at the same time, also brought some small problems to us, if the workers can not timely stop processing, it will affect the enterprise's consumption, the result is unimaginable. Therefore, when operating a box sealing machine, we should understand the fundamental common fault knowledge. Here's a guide to how to do it.

How to deal with the loose chain of the sealing machine?

If the chain is not as tight as it used to be, we can remove some of the chain to get to the degree of tightness you need. If loose too fierce word, so good is to change a chain. And we in the use of time, must be in accordance with the sealing machine book method to stop effective operation, this will prevent the formation of the chain is too big to bear. Before the work to check first, each of the parts should be my stop inspection, so as to ensure the normal operation at the time of the work. If there is a problem with the sealing machine, try heating the drum, or use the smooth oil commonly used in mechanical equipment, and paint the surface if necessary.

Then how to make the automatic sealing machine adhere to smooth, is the key point affecting the normal operation of the sealing machine, smooth effect can make its work efficiency improve, and will not cause serious wear and tear on the parts of the equipment, so that the sealing machine can be used for a longer time. Of course, the sealing machine may also present some other mechanical problems, this needs to be based on the detailed situation to stop the disposal. If the truth is not clear, must look for maintenance personnel.
